Akbar Virmani Travel Awards
The Akbar Virmani travel awards are available to all graduate students. Students may apply for up to $500 towards travel expenses associated with an Africa-related conference or archive research. A student may apply for one travel award each year. This award is after Akbar Virmani to honor his many years of dedicated support of graduate students' intellectual development at PAS.
Applications will be collected an reviewed once per quarter. Application deadlines are: August 1, November 1, February 1, and April 1. Recipients must provide a one-page, single-spaced report within two months of their return to campus. The report should detail the ways in which the award was important to the scholarly development of the recipient and/or the development of the recipients research project.
Application instructions:
Applications deadlines are: August 1, November 1, February 1, and April 1. The application must be submitted prior to participation in the conference. Depending on the university pay cycle, the applicant may not receive funds until after the conference.
Applications must include the following for successful submission:
- All applications should be submitted as a PDF with an application cover sheet;
- An essay that describes the conference and how participation will benefit the applicant’s research (250 words);
- Include information on any panel participation and abstracts of papers to be presented (e.g. invitation letter, page featuring presentation from the conference program);
- A line item budget that clarifies how funds will be spent as well as other possible or definite sources of funding
Please direct questions to african-studies@northwestern.edu or call 847-491-7323.